You Feel Like

Mar 11, 2021

You feel like fresh drags of cigarettes on a stressfull day

Like a light of hope that sparks through the lit candle

Smelling so pure, so real

Bringing in slight scent to the room where I keep my conceal.

Although to me you seem like you could be

The breath of fresh air after a long sleep,

I must admit I thought of you true,

Only the light that never gets through.

Not cause its low, or not cause its pale,

But because my room is no avail.

Not due to you, but yes due to me

And the precise idea that I can’t be.

I try and I try, but can’t seem to reach

the unexplainable point of that speech.

So as much as I wish to, I can’t ask for more

Cause I can’t be the girl you wish to adore.

